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Our nervous systems require a sense of safety to function optimally. The sympathetic nervous system, responsible for activation, motivation, and responding to danger, can become overactive in the busyness of daily life. In contrast, the parasympathetic nervous system allows for rest, relaxation, and contentment. To balance these systems and cultivate inner safety, we can practice resourcing – a way to self-soothe and come home to ourselves without relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms.
To begin, come to physical stillness and drop anchor into your senses. Notice the layers of sound around you, from background noises to intermittent sounds. Become aware of the space around and within your body, and tune into physical sensations. Look for areas that feel safe or neutral, such as the constancy of touch or the warmth of your body. Allow this sense of safety to spread throughout your being with each breath, teaching your cells what it means to be present and enough.
Next, bring to mind a person, place, or figure that embodies unconditional love and acceptance. Connect with the felt sense of love in your body, particularly in your chest or belly. Let this love spread, just as you did with safety, including any thoughts, emotions, or sensations that arise. Love does not judge or resist; it simply accepts and embraces all that is.
Throughout this practice, you can place your hands on your body as a gesture of acceptance and self-care. Over time, this physical position can become associated with feelings of safety and love, invoking them effortlessly.
Resourcing is essential for developing the capacity to self-soothe and self-regulate, especially when facing challenging emotions or unexpected situations.
Each time you practice, you invest in your psychological flexibility and ability to handle life as it unfolds. By cultivating inner safety and love, you empower yourself to live authentically, guided by your deepest values rather than the automatic conditioning of your mind and emotions.